A book a month
I've got a lot of books I've got to get through...
Sitting on my desk, still to be finished read, at the moment is Oswald Mosley's 'The Alternative' and Thomas Hobbes' 'Leviathan' - both I would highly recommend. Yet, I've had a lapse in my reading recently, and I'd like some motivation. I think it would be good to promote others to that most transformative of hobbies along with me.

It's simple: each month, you post here telling everyone what book you're reading that month - whether it be short or long, or a choice inspired by others here.

I'll start.

In January, I intend to read Hal Moore's 'On Leadership: Learning to fight and win when outmanned and outgunned'.

Anyone else?
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Currently, I'm reading "Gray Wolf" by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams.
I also read memoirs of Otto Skorzeny.
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I'm currently reading "Three days in Moscow" by Brett Baier.
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[Image: J.Keyes.png]

I've been reading "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" for the last 6 months....

Great book tho,
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[Image: M.Lafontaine.png]

I will be reading 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck', upon recommendation by SPC Lafontaine.

Anyone else who didn't start the challange, feel free to get involved: choose a book you like, and read it within a month. Reading is a brilliant tool for learning, and shouldn't be overlooked by an individual who desires a successful life.

(30 Jan 19, 1952)T.Worrall Wrote: I will be reading 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck', upon recommendation by SPC Lafontaine.

Anyone else who didn't start the challange, feel free to get involved: choose a book you like, and read it within a month. Reading is a brilliant tool for learning, and shouldn't be overlooked by an individual who desires a successful life.

I'm reading the metal gear solid book
See gif for reaction to title "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck"

[Image: XBRTDwQ.gif]
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I'm going to finish a longer book than usual, so I'll be doing it over two months - 250 pages a month.

I'm going to finish the book 'Leviathan', by Thomas Hobbes: an old book on a miriad of topics, mainly remembered for his comments on man's natural state and his political theories of commonwealths.

I just finished up with "state and revolution" from Vladimir Lenin. As written in the title, it was about the general principles of Marxsism, how to incorporate it into the state, how to undertake a revolution in the sights of Lenin and the objectives and tasks of the proletariat. I would consider it a classic of socialism and a central document of the revolution.

[Image: contentimage-Staat-u-Rev.gif]

Since I'm done with that book, I just stared a german book, "Terror" [Engl. terrorism].
This book is about the aftermaths of 9/11 and the moral questions that we have to ask ourselfs because of it.
In the example used in the book, a pilot, Major in the Luftwaffe, shoots down a hijacked plane that was about to crash into a full stadium filled with 70.000 people. Now he is facing legal charges for murder in 176 cases.
The question that this book is talking about : Is it morally acceptable to kill 176 people, to save 70.000?
[Image: 44997104n.jpg]
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*thumbs up*
(I lost that ability. I don't know why they took it away from me.)
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I've finished my book early (thought it would take two months). I'm now reading 'The Alternative', by Oswald Mosley - a political discussion from the late 1940s.

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