Realism server: Operation Revival 

First and foremost I'd like to say that James and I are aware of some of the bugs that it has, such as the AI and there Derpy Paths that they take, and the Resupply mission. With that being said, I'd like to open the floor to some suggestions. Disclaimer: *NOT EVERYTHING THING WILL BE ADDED* However, we'll review everyones suggestions and put it into consideration to enhance the servers "immersion" for Pilots, Bradley Crew and Infantry.
[Image: B.Hansen.png]

add full arsenal
[Image: N.Udeanu.png]

I personally don't think we should have a full arsenal, but it should, without doubt, be expanded to where you can pick and choose more things. But I would prefer if we avoided people running around in Russian uniforms and shouting cyka blyat while thinking they are Spetznaz
B.Hansen likes this post
[Image: L.Andersen.png]

Some changes need to be made to the arsenal to include stuff for the pilots, crewmen, and medics. The enemy needs to be changed, but you already knew that. I dont know if its already there, but the Bradleys need a place to rearm and refuel.
B.Hansen likes this post
[Image: J.Keyes.png]

For the rearming section, we'll put the ammunition for it in the Truck but if you look in the motor pool there Is a fuel truck you can use with ace interaction Smile
[Image: B.Hansen.png]

in my opinion this is not a operation server, this is just a place where you want to have some fun with your friends, that's why i asked for a full arsenal, there is no real need to be all the same
M.Zamora likes this post
[Image: N.Udeanu.png]

Tho it's a place to have fun it's still a "Realism" server, having Russian dudes running around would just break the experience for me personally. If you want to just fuck around with your friends with a full arsenal then you can always host a private server. To me, this is the bridge between casual play and Milsim, so there need to be limitations to what you can and can't do and with a set of rules. But I also think that stuff we don't usually use like snipers, 50 cals. other machine guns etc should be open to use. I know i would properly run a loadout with an MP7 and try a CQC setup. But going full retard in Russian equipment is too much if you ask me
B.Hansen, R.Dunn, E.Rhodes like this post
[Image: L.Andersen.png]

I Have plans to expand the Arsenal Wink but just in complicated and confusing ways.
[Image: B.Hansen.png]

There is no reason to add a full arsenal. We dont need our public servers being bogged down by things that are not needed, along with massive destruction that the infantry chooses to cause when left to their own devices. As the SSG has stated you do not need a full arsenal because there is no need to have Russians running around if you are fighting Takistan. There is reason to expand the arsenal because it is lack in some aspects but that takes time to work out because you have to go in and individual tweak most of the roles by hand.
R.Dunn likes this post
[Image: D.Hobaugh.png]

I say full arsenal, with rules to define what you can and cannot take. Simple.

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