The but... game
Granted, but everytime you get to use it someone with higher authority is with you and over rules you.

I wish the next person in this thread would get hit with a uno reverse card.
T.Worrall likes this post
[Image: M.Lafontaine.png]

Granted; but the unit collapses the next day making your promotion worthless.

I wish the next person in this thread would also get hit with the UNO reverse card, reversing the reverse and bringing the space-time continum back to normal.

Granted; but UNO color has changed to one you dont have.

I wish for SpaceX to send me to Mars.
T.Worrall, Y.Schmidt, J.Pruschwitz like this post
[Image: J.Keyes.png]

Granted; but they send you to the most bland spot on the entire planet together with the newest Tesla model, thinking that was a good idea for a Mars rover

I wish there would actually grow money on my back

Granted, but your hands are now short and you can't reach the money, and anyone who tries to "help" you actually takes the money for himself because you're so helpless.

I wish there was an actual chill-pill, but not an anti-depressant or anything like that, just a chill-pill that you take and it immediately works and helps you chill out.
[Image: V.Markovski.png]

Granted; But it's an actual chill pill that drops your body temperature leaving you under the effects of hypothermia

I wish Communism would work

Granted, but everybody wants a monarchy instead.

I wish I had a DMOS that only did my school work for me.
[Image: J.Keyes.png]

Granted; now your test comes around and you fail due to a lack of knowledge.

I wish more people in this unit would play Paradox multiplayer games on a regular basis.

Why on earth would you want communism to work? Amant is a dirty communist scumbag, apparently. Communism is a disease born out of arrogance, ignorance and a lack of any spiritual desires, leading directly to apathetic materialism. TL;DR YOUR MUM GAY.
V.Markovski, S.Riley, Y.Schmidt like this post

Granted, but everyone is playing Cities: Skylines

I wish I was rich
T.Worrall and Y.Schmidt like this post
[Image: S.Riley.png]

Granted but the way you got rich was prostituting your self out to elderly women

i wish owned my own luxury apartment complex to rip people off with

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